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Founder & President Maria Moreni 

MarFor 25 years Moreni has been among the first movers in the world of innovation in international marketing and promotion services - aimed mainly at SMEs in aggregate form and in the field of welfare and social policies.

Its mission is concretely contribute  to solve complex problems to make the world better with scientific, holistic and multi-stakeholder approach.

It carries out research, development and innovation activities and has been awarded multiple awards for the projects for the international economic development of Made in Italy, as well as those in the field of Welfare, Gender Policies and youth policies conceived and codified by it, including :

- High Quality Italy

- We4food

- MEGUSTO Taste Crafts on the Silk Road

- Lady Manager 

- Showbility who is not there is out

Since 2008 she has been involved in promoting the bill for the drafting of a "Manifesto of Social Responsibility of Persuasive Companies"

In 2010 it developed and defined a new methodological approach to corporate philanthropic marketing applied to Corporate Social Responsibility: Welfaretising to finance the third sector in a transparent and effective way. 

Starting from the 2000s he began a cross-cultural professional path  within the rdiplomatic relations with complex countries: from 2002 to 2006 he collaborated with the Embassy and the Ambassador of Algeria in Italy, exploring the issues of socially responsible Islam compatible cooperation.

Her human and professional journey began in 2012 with the Chinese people, China and the People to People diplomacy of the People's Republic of China, which over time has made her the most influential personality in Italy, in the context of People to People Diplomacy with the People's Republic of China.

Named "Friend of the Chinese People" in 2014, winner in 2017 of the Award for "Outstanding Contribution to the China-Italy Friendship" awarded by the Chinese Diplomatic Corps CPAFFC Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries "Friend of the Chinese People", in 2018 she was elected, the only member of civil society,  Co President of the global cooperation platform between municipalities and local governments in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, America BRLC Belt and Road Local Cooperation.


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